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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I pray to serve in Thailand 6-12months

I am just back from Thailand tonight!!!

I love my family, my mother, my brother, and my triune God!! And because God loves me first, and my family loves me first!!!

I pray hard that I can serve my Lord, and the Thai village people for 6-12months with the heart felt support of my family. The biggest obstacle is my family's consent, my mother's worriness, and my brother's resentment of my devotion to religion and my God rather than our family. I feel so unhappy and upset even to the stage of vomitting regarding my brother's resentment, which is also true and delicately true in my attitude towards my family and my beloved God.

I am especially wanting to serve Buriram and to work with Ajaan Sutin in the Banbu church and the teachers and students there for their development (English, mentality), and their spirituality and closeness and eagarness in God my Father.

I pray for the ministry of Aj Sutin at the Banbu church, and the growth and unity of church members to serve and contribute to their own Banbu church!!!


泰東北Buriram 英文教學組

主的工作在Buriram透過Aj Sutin在這十多年的耕耘, 由開始的三年沒有一個人信主, 到由Aj Sutin的70多歲母親開始信主到現在共68人洗禮, 實在滿有美麗神蹟, 我也由衷的敬佩Aj Sutin對主的依靠和忠心。Aj Sutin最想最需要的, 是求神睗Banbu Church一名宣教士, 與他同工, 收取及牧養主的兒女。

在這短短的五天在Buriram的服侍, 我不斷渴想在此長一點時間服侍的圖畫, 以及所會遇到的困難和挑戰。我當時看不到時間上的可能性, 我只是好想好想可以有6-12個月在泰國鄉村, 特別是Buriram服侍。 這是因為當我聽學校的老師和Aj Sutin的分享, 我就更明白福音的契機和牧養的需要。 當然, 我也知道是因為我很愛這個地方, 這裏的簡樸, 以及讓我看到很多我目前在繁華生活中的執著是沒甚意義的, 對能放開一切來到這裏更加享往。

我懇求主為我在家人心裏開路, 信主, 心裏安然支持我在泰國鄉村以教學英文服侍主的羊, 當地人和協助當地教會。
